Grenland Blues & Roots Klubb | Matt Pascale & The Stomps
- Sted: Hovedscene
- Når:
- lør 26. apr 14:00
- Pris:
- 100
- kr
MATT PASCALE is an Italian singer, guitarist, songwriter who loves to play electric, acoustic
slide guitar. His sound grew from the Hard Rock of his early teens into a robust and sincere love
affair with American Rootsy Music, Southern Rock, swampy Blues & Funky-Neo Sou
His vocal and guitar style might resemble one of the “chitlin circuit” legendary musicians who
displayed their husky voice and finger plucking chops every night of the week, but because o
his urban up-bringing, young age curiosity & a truly “down & dirty” approach to his craft, h
definitely sounds like no one else than himsel
In spite of his young age, and a two years forced “covid confinement”, Matt managed to p
more than 500 live shows since March 2019!
He was born to be on
stage, & that’s where he
shines best.
He shined some much
doing “his thing” night
after night between Italy
Switzerland and
Germany that he
captured the attent
of the European Blues
Union’s President Davide
Grandi made an
introduction to the Lit
Steven Blues Academy in
Notodden, Norway ,
which is attached to the famous Notodden Blues Festival. The dead line to apply for their yea
prized scholarship was way past its limit, but his “bigger than life” stage antics & soulful deliver
not only gained him the late entry invitation, but ended up landing him a slam dunk wi
He so much captured the Academy team and the Festival’s board attention and sympathy,
that he was offered a permanent transfer of residency and the support of local agents that hav
been booking him solidly in the Scandinavian territory since September 2022.
Thanks once again to the European Blues Union, Matt was introduced to the Memphis Blue
Foundation in January 2023, and was invited to enter a submission for the PineTop Perkins Blu
Academy. Blown away by his talent the Academy granted passage to the US and a scholarship
for its prestigious summer camp, which also saw another young talent graduating with honor
few years back : Christone Kingfish Ingra
Upon camp completion, Matt took two months to immerse himself in the American Southe
Blues and Roots environment that he so much loves and began performing in Mississippi and
Tennessee with local musicians and for famous Blues Jam, including a week of all-nighters on
the famous Beale Street club scene.
After releasing three singles produced by Fabrizio “Fab” Grossi (Steve Vai, Billy F Gibbons
Supersonic Blues Machine, Eric Gales, Alice Cooper etc.) he signed a recording deal with French
outfit DixyFrog for the release of his debut full length album “Home”. Matt is now de-fa
backed by his own band The Stomps featuring Matteo Magnaterra on bass, Elia Squartini
drums and Rishi Rest Mensur on keyboards. After an intense 2024 summer playing shows an
Festivals all over Europe, Matt & The Stomps locked themself up in Fab’s Los Angeles stu
“Soul Garage” to complete the recording of their much anticipated album, due out in mi
Spring 2025.